Sustainability Focused Courses

Cal Poly received a gold rating for AASHE ​​​​STARS certification in September 2019. As part of the rating process, STARS recognizes courses that focus on and include sustainability. Sustainability focused and related courses are designated through a review process by the Academic Senate Sustainability Committee (ASSC). To qualify as focused, the course must explicitly teach at least two of the Cal Poly Sustainability Learning Objectives in a meaningful way, and at least 20% of the course must address sustainability.

Upon release of a new catalog the ASSC will review new course offerings and add the appropriate courses to the list below. If your wish to add a course that is not listed, please complete this onedrive form and email a course syllabus and any other supportive material to

Sorted alphabetically by prefix. Course title is linked to the 2019/20 Catalog Description.

COURSE Cross Listing TITLE



AEPS 245   Horticulture Production Techniques 
AEPS 315 AG Organic Agriculture Yes
AEPS 450   Current Issues in the Strawberry Industry
AG 330 ASCI, UNIV, ISLA Cal Poly Land: Nature, Technology, and Society Yes
AG 350 EDES, ENGR, HUM, ISLA, SCM, UNIV The Global Environment Yes
AG 360   Holistic Management Yes
ARCE 475   Civil Infrastructure and Building Systems 
ARCH 207   Architectural Technology Fundamentals 2.3
ARCH 253   Architectural Design 2.3 
ARCH 307   Architectural Systems Integration 3.2
ARCH 451    Architectural Design 4.1
ARCH 452    Architectural Design 4.2
ARCH 453    Architectural Design 4.3
ARCH 472   Housing Design Concepts 
BIO 112   Environmental Biology and Conservation Yes
BIO 227   Wildlife Conservation Biology Yes
BIO 363 NR Principles of Conservation Biology
BIO 434   Environmental Physiology 
BIO 446   Ecosystem Ecology   
BOT 311    Plants, People and Civilization Yes
BRAE 220   Introduction to Biological Systems  
BRAE 348   Energy for a Sustainable Society


CE 527   Sustainable Mobility   
CM 317    Sustainability and the Built Environment Yes
CM 425   Sustainability and Environment 
COMS 390   Environmental Communication 
CRP 202   Urban Design Studio I 
CRP 336   Introduction to Environmental Planning
CRP 412   Plan Implementation 
CRP 440   Climate Action Planning
CRP 445   Planning and Urban Ecology 
CRP 504   Sustainable Communities 
CRP 545   Principles of Environmental Planning 
ECON 431   Environmental Economics 
ECON 432    Economics of Energy and Resources
EDES 406   Sustainable Environments 
EDES 408   Implementing Sustainable Principles 
EDES 410   Advanced Implementation of Sustainable Principles 
EE 420    Sustainable Electric Energy Conversion
EE 520   Solar-Photovoltaic SystemsDesign
ENGL 315   Writing Sustainability, Resilience, and Equity Yes
ENGL 316   Writing Sustainability Yes
ENVE 450   Industrial Pollution Prevention
ERSC 325 GEOG Climate and Humanity 
ERSC 333 GEOG Human Impact on the Earth 
GEOG 408   Geography of Development 
GSE 532   Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 
HIST 311    Comparative World Environmental History & Sustainability Since 1492  Yes
HIST 432   United States Environmental History 
HLTH 410   Foundations of Global Health
HNRS 161   Creating Sustainable Communities (i) Yes
HNRS 162   Creating Sustainable Communities (ii) Yes
HNRS 163   Creating Sustainable Communities (iii) 
HNRS 391 PSC, UNIV Appropriate Technology for the World's People: Development Yes
HNRS 392 PSC, UNIV Appropriate Technology for the World's People: Design Yes
ITP 330   Packaging Fundamentals
LA 204   Design Fundamentals III
LA 220   Landscape Ecology: Concepts, Issues and Interrelationships Yes
LA 243   Materials and Techniques of Landscape Construction 
LA 403   Natural Environments Design Focus Studio
LA 432   Landscape Ecology Applications (ILC) 
LA 521   Ecological Urban Design
MATE 222   Materials Selection Life Cycle 
MATE 232   Materials, Ethics, and Society 
MATE 485    Materials and the Environment
ME 320   Consumer Energy Guide Yes
ME 453    Trends and Opportunities in HVAC&R
ME 454    Benchmarking and Assessment of Building Energy Performance
ME 455   Introduction to Building Energy Modeling
ME 488   Wind Energy Engineering 
MSCI 111   Introduction to Marine Biology Yes
MSCI 428   Marine Conservation and Policy
MSCI 439   Fisheries Science and Resource Management 
NR 141   Introduction to Forest Ecosystem Management 
NR 142   Environmental Management 
NR 305   Forest Ecology and Silvics
NR 321   Water Systems Technology, Issues and Impacts Yes
NR 323   Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Management Yes
NR 324   Social Dimensions of Sustainable Food and Fiber Systems Yes
NR 326   Natural Resources Economics and Valuation 
NR 328 RPTA Environmental Leadership and Community Engagement Yes
NR 365   Silviculture and Vegetation Management 
NR 445   Systems Thinking in Environmental Management
NR 465   Ecosystem Management 
NR 474   Forest Stewardship Practices
PHIL 340   Environmental Ethics  Yes
PHYS 310   Physics of Energy   
POLS 333 UNIV World Food Systems Yes
PSC 201   Physical Oceanography Yes
PSC 320    Energy, Society and the Environment  Yes
PSC 391  UNIV, HNRS Appropriate Technology for the World's People: Development Yes
PSC 392  UNIV, HNRS Appropriate Technology for the World's People: Design Yes
PSY 311    Environmental Psychology  Yes
RPTA 313   Sustainability in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism  
RPTA 314    Sustainable Travel and Tourism Planning  
SCM 316   Environmental Literacy: An Integrative STEM Approach  
SCM 360    Selected Environmental Issues of the California's Central Coast  Yes
SOC 308    Sociology of the Environment
SOC 423  WGS Gender and Work USCP
SS 120   Introductory Soil Science  Yes
SS 130   Soils in Environmental and Agricultural Systems Yes


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